red waffle
fun stuff
Red Waffle

College Time
Sunday, 31 August 2003
I moved into college yesturday, and today I got to move all the froshmen in. Yeah, so I got to meet a lot of new people, which was good. Kind of a lot of work moving so many people in one day, but tomorrow will be a repeat of today, except with non-freshmen. So that isn't as exciting, since I know most of them people. I like meeting new people, it makes me happy knowing that they don't know the real me, making them see me the way they want to. Sometimes it makes me seem a lot cooler than I am. I mean, for a portion of the time we were moving people in, I was helping these to ladies with hooking up their computer, and then their TV, and then the phone. I mean, I know they know how to hook up a phone, I think they liked that someone was helping them. I told them that if they need any help they can stop by my room. They were all excited and searched frantically for a piece of paper to write it on. Like 229 is a hard number to remember? Anyway, they told me for everytime I bring them anywhere in my car, they will cook me dinner. I said ok, what could I loose? Oh, might I add that they are extremely attractive. Many of the other guys on the floor saw me talking to them, and could believe that I am that awesome. Jealousy is awsome when its not me. Sorry, I guess I am just happy, things seem to be turning in the right direction for me. I know, I know, the wicked curveball that fucks my life up is around the corner soom, I am quite certain. But I might as well enjoy the happiness while it last... right? Anyway, I think I am going to wander and visit those ladies. Like I said before, meeting new people rocks.
Mood: normal
Music: 5/4 - Gorillaz