red waffle
fun stuff
Red Waffle

Medicated Life
Monday, 29 September 2003
Wow, I've been meaning to put an update on the journal section for quite some time. But its not too bad, considering it hasn't been over a week since the last update. Anyway, a lot seems to have been happening since the last time... I mean aside from the squirrels last time. Yeah, I went to the doctor and got diagnosed with a bunch of stuff... mainly mental stuff. Nothing to bad, cureable. I am on some anti-depression and anti-anxiety medication, something that is supose to kick in two weeks from my first pill. Well, its only been one week, so nothing too drastic has happened. I mainly blame all this shit on myself for not realizing it sooner... along with other things in my life. Yeah, there was another girl of interest. This time, I was an idiot for not even realizing she was not interested in me. At least I don't think she is. We planned on going to a movie together and we didn't know if we were going to the 7 o'clock showing or the 9:30 showing. She is a very busy person, and it all depended on when she got done. She said, most likely the 9:30. She ends up stopping by 6-ish and says all she has to do is play a game of bowling for her club or something. So we will end up going to the 9:30 showing. Well, about 6:30 I hear she is with some people drinking. Yeah, so she either didn't want to got at all or the information I heard was a lie. Well, 9:30 comes around, and she isn't here. Zak tells me she was coming. Eventually she does show and falls flat on my floor. She is trashed. She says that she probably won't be able to make it to the movie. I saw this coming, yet not. She kept asking for certain people, and wouldn't let me help her. Why? I don't know, I figure she just didn't want to be around me. The thing that hurt worse, was I told my brother I couldn't go to the movie with him, because it was kind of a date. He got pissed or upset or something because of it. I felt bad, because he was going a lone. Now, I didn't even go and I could have gone with him. If I would have realized ahead of time she didn't want to go, I could have at least gone with my brother and there wouldn't have been the tention between us. Well, she ends up passing out in someone elses room. After awhile I figure I will see how she is doing. She apparently went back to her room. I go upstairs and they she is downstairs visiting people. I end up talking to people up there and Cici, Zak's girlfriend, says that I should go downstairs since she will want to see me. I said she wouldn't. Cici insisted. I say, ok. But she ended up ignoring me. The next day she didn't remember anything. Acourding to Jon, I was pissed off at everyone. I wasn't. If anything, I was hurt, for putting my hopes up. And the only person I can be made at for that, is me. So techincally, the only person I am/was mad at, was myself. Well, that's all for now. Until next time... Eat a Waffle.
Mood: disappointed
Music: The Medication is Wearing Off - Eels