red waffle
fun stuff
Red Waffle

Monday, 1 September 2003
I came to the realization that the realization I had earlier will not work. I came up with the idea of becoming more open. That I was going to let people know what is going on in my life... Yeah, that is not going to work. Now that I am at college, I have to be careful of what I say. What I can say could easily change someone's life completely and fuck everything up for someone else. If I told you... blah blah blah, this happened, yada yada yada, then the people it reflex would have some idea what I am talking about. Then, if they did, they would know I know about the situation making the situation even worse. So, when I say I am going to be more open, that mean, as open as I can. I am not doing this journal thing as some form of a puzzle game. Let's try to see what Jay is really trying to say. He says this, and if you read between the lines, he means this. That is not the point. People have talked to me say, I know who you are talking about in entry so-and-so. Its not a game, it my life. The reason I leave stuff out is to protect the people I am talking about. I don't leave it out for you to figure it out. If I did, then this would be in the fun section of the website, instead of the journal section. Well, the reason I started this entry, was because something happened today that is going to make things different for me, Im sure. Thats all I am going to say. I already said too much. And again, this is not a game, dont try and figure what it is. If you were ment to know, you would already. THe whole point of this entry was to show myself that even though I really want to talk about what happened tonight, I know a couple certain people will read this and know that I know more than I should. All I can say is that I said the word 'fuck' way too much, and yet it didn't fill the void. Funny how that works. Well, I have been rambling too long about not saying stuff, but I hope you understand some point of what I was saying. I felt this entry was needed, so I made it. But until next time... eat a waffle.
Mood: fuck
Music: That's not really funny - Eels