red waffle
fun stuff
Red Waffle

Butterfly Effect
Tuesday, 3 February 2004
I have been lacking lately in seeing new movies in theaters. This is mainly because most movies that come out look like complete shit. But then I saw this trailer online for a film called The Butterfly Effect. It looked so damn good, it made me completely forget that Ashton Kootcher (or however you spell his name) was a back actor... maybe its because in this film he is actually acting. Way to go Punk'd guy. Anyway, I went to see it in the theaters and was pleasantly surprised how awesome it was. I have always been a fan of psychological thrillers and ones where you can go back in time and fuck up the future are just cool. Aside from the main storyline being good, and the acting being good, I could only find like one or two plot holes in it, which isn't much if you think about it. Also there are some quite disturbing scenes in the film that actually made my jaw drop and left me staring at the screen in shock. Which was exciting since not many films do that to mean, most of the times I am sitting there going, are they serious that is way to much and leaving me feeling mad that they are doing it because they can. Anyway, where was I going? Um, not sure. Either way it was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time and I give it a perfect score. Now I just have to wait for the DVD. AHhhh!!! Until next time... Eat a Waffle.
Format: Movie
Rating: 10 of 10