red waffle
fun stuff
Red Waffle

Final Destination 2
Sunday, 10 August 2003
There are way too many sequals out there, and most of them suck. So when many people told me that I should see Final Destination 2, I was like alright, but it will suck. Well, to put it bluntly this movie didn't have to be made, but you can say that with out even seeing it, but since they "had" to, they did a good job at it. I admit, some of the things were a bit cheesy, like this movie took place exactly one year later. But if you watch the first one, then the second, there really isn't any plot holes connecting them. They covered their tracks pretty well I must add. The main plot was a little cheesy, but I guess they made up for it in the death scenes. Each death scene was put together so nicely, in a disturbing way. I mean thinks of these things. I guess I could say this movie is a bit scarey do to the fact that the way the people die, actually happens. I don't know if you heard anything about the movie, but instead of a plane crash like the first one had, this one has a huge car accident scene that was graphicly realistic, its scary. Overall the movie was way better than I thought it would be, but I highly recommend the first one if you haven't seen that one. Plus its always a good idea to see the first movie before the second, otherwise you might get a little confussed.
Format: Movie
Rating: 9 of 10